
Research Papers

결혼이주여성의 사회연결망과 행위전략의 다양성-연결망의 유형화와 질적 분석을 중심으로(황정미, HK연구교수)

2010.12.31 Views 3414



논문제목: 결혼이주여성의 사회연결망과 행위전략의 다양성-연결망의 유형화와 질적 분석을 중심으로

저자 : 황정미

출판사항 : [한국여성학] 제 26권 4호, 2010년 12월





This article explores the social network of marriage-migrant women which has been relatively neglected in mainstream migration literature. Based on the in-depth interview data, I categorize several groups of migrant women according to the types and amount of their network and social ties. Personal variables such as countries of origin, educational background, and residence period in Korea do not have meaningful influence on the type of social network. However, we can find distinct attitudes and action strategy which fit into particular network type. For example, women who have 'family-centered network' usually give priority to family relation in their everyday life. On the other hand, women who have 'Korean friend network' have strong motive to their job and other voluntary activities outside family. Group of women who rely mostly on 'migrant women friend network' tend to criticize the negative side of Korean society such as intolerance to migrant people, narrow-minded Korean mothers and hyper-competitive education environment and so on. These women try to organize their own community with other migrants and find high hope in these community. In spite of limitations and disadvantages as ethnic minorities, marriage-migrant women are willing to organize several types of life strategy utilizing their own network resources. We need more discussion to interpret the potentials and outcomes of social network to understand the multifaceted realities of migrant people in Korea. 


Key words : marriage migration, migrant women, social network, action, strategy
