
Research Papers

중세 公家 사회의 家의 분립 -가데노코지가(勘解由小路家)를 통한 고찰-(신미나, HK연구교수)

2011.01.03 Views 2092

논문제목: 중세 公家 사회의 家의 분립 -가데노코지가(勘解由小路家)를 통한 고찰-

저자 : 신미나

출판사항 : 일본역사연구 32호, 2010년 12월 



This paper examines how the division of family in medieval courtier society was made through Kadenokoji family which was a branch of Hino family and divided from Yorisuke in 13th century. Hino family was the house of Confucian and classified as Meika which was a civilian class who could be also appointed chunagon. Yorisuke made a career as he served Konoe family, which was counted as one of the five regent houses(sekke). Kadenokoji family was established when Tsunemitsu, Yorisuke's son, succeeded to his father's career and family business; therefore, Kanenaka, Tsunemitsu's son, took pride in his family tradition handed down from generation to generation. The paper also demonstrates that family(ie) was self-complete, but clan was effective at rites for ancestors. Lastly, the paper analyzes the limit of courtier society: it was not allowed for branch family to exceed family status the head family had established in 12th century.



Keywords : courtier society, familly(ie 家), branch family, family business, family tradition
