

한국인의 다문화 수용성 분석-새로운 성원권의 정치학 관점에서(황정미, HK 연구교수)

2010.12.31 Views 3160


논문제목: 한국인의 다문화 수용성 분석-새로운 성원권의 정치학 관점에서

저자: 황정미

출판사항: [아세아연구] 통권 142호 (53권 4호), 2010년 12월




This article is a statistical analysis of multicultural acceptability among Korean people based on a nationwide survey data. Multicultural acceptability can be defined as a permissive attitude toward multi-ethnic society and increasing immigrants who have diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Multicultural acceptability must be a very complicated concept which contains multiple dimension of political, social, and cultural values. However, I’d like to emphasize that multicultral acceptability is highly interconnected with national identity and citizenship values in a globalizing world. National identity is a kind of imagined identity constructed and reinforced by cultural symbol and political institution of modern nation-state. In this analysis, multicultural acceptability is assumed as a two-layer concept. The first sub-factors is positive recognition of universal rights of immigrant people, and the second one is collective perception of threat due to increasing migration. As independent variables, pride of national homogeneity and positive attitude to the virtue of participatory citizenship are introduced in this analytic frame. The result of regression analysis shows that multicultural acceptability is negatively influenced by pride of national homogeneity. On the other hand, it is positively influenced by sympathy to active citizenship. Acceptance to multicultural values is concerned not only with generosity to immigrant but also with the new politics of membership which could bring in a new perspective on the boundary of political community in the era of globalization and emerging post-national citizenship. 


Key words: multicultural acceptability, multiculturalism, citizenship, national identity, political membership

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